Saturday, February 14, 2009

Success for the Right Brain

I have had the most spectacular knowledge enhanced heartwarming 2 weeks. I have spent the past 10 days at the Dr. Arullappa School of Fashion and Embroidery Design witnessing creativity being an influence in Indian education. I have seen our students express leadership through design initiative and organizing dance and drumming sessions that are inspired from traditional Tamil dance and art. The rich culture and strength of the people here make Tamil Nadu a special state. Out of the entire country they have more Community Colleges than anyplace, an idea adopted from the US. Will this school, with correspondent Fr. Suresh, be an example for others in the future? Will the Indian government be able to see the students life smarts and creative thinking skills increase and adopt these measures in their own curriculum? Art in education is definitely linked to progress in developing Dalit students. As an optimist: Could this change the Indian policy for education? I surely hope so. Specifically our one LF student Madhan who failed 10th std has enrolled for 1 year in the Techincal Training Institute of Fashion at Dr. Arullappa. He has blossomed through freedom of expression and creative options into a determined, hard working, driven young man. He is the lead drummer in the local school group some of whose talents are taking them to Singapore and Malaysia for a competition. He involves great detail in his sketching and is a dedicated note taker. I think by having art as a hobby he will succeed when he is matriculated back into 11th standard for his final two years of High School. Our other students are also studying hard as the older ones especially are demonstrating obedience and organizational skills to their younger classmates. Hostel life is full for them and the smiles on their faces exhibit how lucky they are. Though they still struggle to escape their uneducated parents bad choices like bringing them dirty food or not knowing when to ask for medical help if they are sick, the pure and loving Raji, the 22 year old hostel warden gives everything to them from life advice to clothing and knickers, she is their mentor and role model. As an daughter of a divorced man who remarried a woman who kicked Raji out of the house at 4 years old for no apparent reason she has been raised in hostels her entire life. Her wisdom and experience from hard earned life lessons makes her such a great role model for the hostel girls. Before I left I told them all to take advantage of everything Raji's huge heart and wonderful soul has to offer them. I said don't be afraid to ask for help from any topic or necessity. People like Raji inspire me to continue what sometimes feels like an uphill battle. These great learning experiences full with bouts of success and misfortune keep my spirits high and my actions prepared for the unexpected.

1 comment:

  1. I just talked about globalization in class today, with a little bit of globalization of education.
    Thinking of you.
